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15th Nov, 2023
3 min read

Navigating Automation and Balance with Carlos Pedroza

A Multifaceted Professional

Carlos Eduardo Dal Pra Pedroza, who currently holds the position of Marketing Automation Manager at HubSpot, has adeptly balanced his significant impact in the realm of tech marketing with a passion for aiding B2B tech companies. With over 10 years of industry experience, Carlos brings a comprehensive balance of expertise and innovation to the table.

Additionally, as the host of the leading Portuguese podcast dedicated to Product Marketing (Lança Produto), Carlos maintains a balance between sharing knowledge and continuous learning. He also offers Product Marketing Workshops and Mentoring Sessions, further solidifying his multifaceted influence in the industry.

In his own words, Carlos describes his professional journey with a sense of balance: “Professionally, I help B2B tech companies scale their impact with product marketing, automation, and sales. Personally, I balance this by embracing my role as a Brazilian digital nomad, exploring the UK’s landscapes and culture, which enriches my global perspective.”

Passion for Impact: SMBs and Work-Life Balance

Carlos passionately supports small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and advocates for a healthy work-life balance. Understanding the challenges many face in today’s economy, he aims to broaden individuals’ perspectives and inspire them to make a positive impact in their lives.

His dedication to teaching and giving back to the community also comes from a deep desire to continue his family’s legacy of sharing knowledge. Carlos’s natural talent for communication further makes teaching an instinctive and fulfilling choice for him.

Learning from Real-World Experience

Carlos’s extensive knowledge in the field has been honed over a decade of working in tech companies and living a remote lifestyle long before the pandemic made it a norm. This practical experience equips him with the insights and strategies he now imparts to his students on Growy.

The Power of Soft Skills

Recognizing the vital role that soft skills play in personal and professional development, Carlos emphasizes their importance. He has found that these skills, including empathy, resilience, problem-solving, leadership and creative entrepreneurship were pivotal during challenges times in his life.

Empowering Independent Thinking and Balance

In collaboration with Growy, Carlos plans to share his insights on fostering creativity in individuals and teams. By creating a coaching culture within organizations, he aims to build confidence and leadership skills, as well as mastering deep listening. Importantly, he believes in the infinite power of imagination and actively encourages his students to explore and assemble their ideas, design actions, and confidently move forward.

Furthermore, Carlos’s ultimate goal is to empower his students to become forces of positive change in the world through developing their powers of independent thinking. Recognizing the challenges, he acknowledges that this journey requires time, guidance, and hands-on experience.


Carlos Eduardo Dal Pra Pedroza’s journey is a testament to the potential of individuals to make a difference in the world. His expertise in tech marketing, combined with his passion for SMBs and work-life balance, makes him a standout figure in the industry. Through his dedication to teaching and giving back, he is shaping the next generation of professionals who will drive positive change and innovation.

For more information on Carlos Eduardo Dal Pra Pedroza’s professional experience, workshops and podcast, please visit his LinkedIn profile.